
You Love Medicine if You Love Life

You Love Medicine if You Love Life

  It is not unusual for some African Americans to fail to seek medical care in a timely fashion, even when needed.  Some people continue not to believe in modern medicine and do not get appropriate screening for cancer, take medications as directed, get...

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Family Medical History Has New Meaning

Family Medical History Has New Meaning

  Several days ago, one of my loyal patients requested to be seen, urgently, because she was upset that family members would not reveal the cause of death of a middle age family member.  A lifelong friend who is battling four different types of cancer told me...

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Stress Is Deadly

Stress Is Deadly

  The medical literature has documented a plethora of information regarding deadly stress affecting our bodies.  Many of my patients are telling me about the perils of stress and how it affects their health with headaches, diarrhea, and fatigue.  Stress affects...

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