
Move Every Day

Move Every Day

  It is a heartbreaking experience to see someone, you love, with dementia.  I have seen, as a physician, this phenomenon occurs among many patients and recently, personal friends.  I am not convinced that black people understand, in many cases, vascular dementia...

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Survival in the Rural Community

Survival in the Rural Community

  South Carolina is a rural state and many of the residents live in rural communities. It is well documented that they have health disparities that surpass those who live in the city. Lack of access to care and preventative health care services are also...

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Walking For Life

Walking For Life

  I should not have to convince you that walking is good medicine for maintaining good health and improving longevity. Your doctor can observe how you walk, the speed of movement, the way you move, and determine your overall health. Dementia is a major concern...

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Trucking Is Not What It Used to Be

Trucking Is Not What It Used to Be

Recently, it was reported that the health of truckers is very poor and this puts the lives of others, who share the road with them, in peril. The lifestyle of these men and women is not ideal because of very poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and in my opinion, their ill-suited insight about health issues.

I have seen several truckers who have had their keys taken away because of elevated blood pressure, uncontrolled diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. The companies for whom they work are demanding that they resolve their health issues. It comes as a major surprise that too many of them cannot make changes overnight for uncontrolled diabetes or high blood pressure.

Another realty facing truckers is the fact that they cannot return to work until the health issues are addressed.

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Exercise is Medicine for Older Americans

Exercise is Medicine for Older Americans

This health tip is for people older than 50 years of age.  Fifty is a young age in 2016.  African Americans who exercise improved their overall quality and longevity. Current studies reveal that people who live in the southern area of the country are less likely to be...

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