Move Every Day

by Care, For Men, For Women

It is a heartbreaking experience to see someone, you love, with dementia.  I have seen, as a physician, this phenomenon occurs among many patients and recently, personal friends.  I am not convinced that black people understand, in many cases, vascular dementia can be prevented.  Exercise improves the blood flow to the brain thereby decreasing one’s risk for dementia.  The American Heart Association concurs with the team of health professionals in recommending that people move, daily, to protect the brain.

I have stated repeatedly what is good for the heart is good for the brain.  You must do some type of movement, daily, to benefit from exercise.

It was recently reported that the average person does not take the recommended 10,000 steps per day to remain healthy, but averages about 5,000 steps.  150 minutes a day, most days of the week, is a minor price to pay for good health.

Finally, remember that dementia has always been a major health issue in the black community, but we are discussing it more often as with many other health issues.

Your opinion matters.


Thaddeus J. Bell, MD
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Thaddeus J. Bell, MD


I am Dr. Thaddeus John Bell, closing the gap in health disparities for African Americans and the underserved.