We are 15 years old!
Closing the gap in health care for African Americans and the underserved
(CTGIHC) is 15 years old!
Fifteen years ago the idea of CTCIHC was born and we became a 501c3 organization. When I pitched the idea to others, it received minimal enthusiasm. Happy to say they were wrong and we are moving upward!
Now we are an award winning program recognized throughout South Carolina as a major health information program.
We reach well over 350,000 people a week on all of the urban radio stations in Charleston, television, social media, and through personal appearances. We are also heard on radio in Atlanta.
Our sole purpose is to decrease the health disparities, decrease myths and untruths that make our State one of the worst States in the country regarding health outcomes for African Americans and the underserved. Improving health literacy has been one of our primary goals. Increasing the number of African-Americans in the health profession has been our other goal. A major milestone for us was the study that was done by MUSC that validated our impact in this community.
We have also established The Thaddeus John Bell MD and Family Endowment scholarship which assists African-American students at MUSC to reach their goal of becoming health care professionals. Our scholarship will be given in perpetuity; a major success of CTGIHC Inc.
I want to say thank you to, MUSC, Cummlus Broadcasting, the City of Charleston, Roper St. Fransis, and DHEC. These organizations have been and continue be major partners and appreciated our vision from the outset.
Thank you to our team, Cynthia Alston Bell, Tiff Any, Tony Clarke, Gary E Bell, Tom Steenhuysen, Sheila, and Rose Marie. Thank you also to the late Tonisha Bell-Alston whose dream it was to see our organization become world class and forfill our mission. She lived long enough to see us make major strides.
CTGIHC is the parent company of the now world class Low Country Jazz Festival which is in its 11th year. This was Tonisha’s dream.
On our behalf, thank you.
Your opinion matters.
Thaddeus J. Bell, MD
I am Dr. Thaddeus John Bell, closing the gap in health disparities for African Americans and the underserved.