Under the umbrella of disrupting health disparities, Living Well With Dr. Bell (LWWDB) will provide a platform for educating and informing the 50+ and their families about health disparities and other related topics.
LWWDB will take place the first Friday of every month via Facebook Live, 12:00 noon – 12:30 – think of it as your live Lunch & Learn. You can join Facebook Live via AARPSC or Closing The Gap In Healthcare.


To educate and inform the 50+ and their families on health disparities and related issues.


To expand the awareness of health disparities and engage partners in solution-based actions.

Let’s Get Serious About Obesity, Part 6

  We know that obesity is a serious medical disease among African American women.  It is recognized as an epidemic throughout the United States and...

Take the vaccine

 It's very important for African Americans to take the vaccine. Please ... take the vaccine. Your opinion matters. I am Dr. Thaddeus...

Too Many Medications

The manner in which medicine is practiced today can result in a patient taking too many medications.  This problem is often seen in patients who are...

Working hard to close the gap in health care

Weekly Health Tips !

See, read or listen. We provide health tips via Youtube, newsletter, radio and SoundCloud.
Dr. Bell as a guest speaker

Invite Dr.Bell

Dr.Bell can attend your next gathering to learn more about healthier living.

Fundraising & Scholarships

The Greater Charleston Lowcountry Jazz Festival is the primary source of funding for Closing the Gap in Health Care

Our Mission

To decrease health disparities and increase the health literacy of African Americans and all underserved communities.

Get fit with us

We provide health tips to help you have a longer and healthier life.

Eat healthy

Eating healthy is easy with the right information.


VIDEO: Getting Covid

VIDEO: Getting Covid

  Your opinion matters. I am Dr. Thaddeus John Bell, closing the gap in health disparities for African Americans and the underserved.

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VIDEO: Long Covid

VIDEO: Long Covid

  Your opinion matters. I am Dr. Thaddeus John Bell, closing the gap in health disparities for African Americans and the underserved.

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VIDEO: New Vaccine

VIDEO: New Vaccine

  Your opinion matters. I am Dr. Thaddeus John Bell, closing the gap in health disparities for African Americans and the underserved.

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VIDEO: Vaccine Myth

VIDEO: Vaccine Myth

  Your opinion matters. I am Dr. Thaddeus John Bell, closing the gap in health disparities for African Americans and the underserved.

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Where are we on the map?

Closing the gap in health care works when more physicians join us in showing they understand and care about African American patients and underserved communities anywhere in the world.

If you are a doctor that cares about his patients, please let us know.


Closing The Gap in Health Care, Inc

get in touch