A Funeral Reflection

by For Men, For Women

Several weeks ago, I attended the home going service for an older friend.  During a light hearted moment of the eulogy, the pastor stated “when you get to heaven, you will need a Dr. Thaddeus John Bell closing the Gap in health disparities for African Americans and the underserved.”   The audience burst into laughter. I was shocked when my name was mentioned after the name of Dr. Ortiz.

As I reflected, he was correct in saying that we are mortal men.  God intends for us to be healthy and sane on this side of heaven so my recommendations and those of my medical colleagues have a place for patients.  Think about it, God wants us to seek medical care because if He did not, there would be no doctors.

Your opinion matters.


Thaddeus J. Bell, MD
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Thaddeus J. Bell, MD


I am Dr. Thaddeus John Bell, closing the gap in health disparities for African Americans and the underserved.