Prostate Cancer Can Take a Toll on a Relationship

by Cancer, For Men, For Women

Prostate cancer is the second, most common cancer that African American men can experience in their lifetime.  The exact cause is not known, but risk factors are well documented and a major one is family history.  It is imperative for all black men to determine if the disease runs in their family.  This can be difficult because older, black men, in the past, have refused to discuss this cancer with their sons.  We must abandon this very poor behavior and thinking.  A fat-laden diet, obesity, and diabetes may play a role in developing prostate cancer.

A diagnosis of prostate cancer in q sexually active man, of any age, can have a detrimental effect on the relationship with a significant other.  Some men become depressed, feel incomplete, or permanently wounded.  Early diagnosis, a good education, and a great partnership can overcome a pending troublesome relationship.  Life can be saved and a sex life can be restored with early diagnosis.

Ladies, encourage your man to get a PSA test and prostate check.

Your opinion matters.


Thaddeus J. Bell, MD
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Thaddeus J. Bell, MD


I am Dr. Thaddeus John Bell, closing the gap in health disparities for African Americans and the underserved.