African Americans Should Ask More Questions

by | Cancer, Education, For Men, For Women

I have practiced medicine for many years and have become somewhat enlightened about health disparities that affect African Americans and the underserved. It is apparent to me and others, who have studied health disparities, that some of the guidelines regarding cancer screening often do not apply to African Americans. These recommendations are made with no significant information regarding the medical and behavioral issues as related to African Americans. We have been overlooked and the reasons are numerous. The exclusion of women and African Americans has been a racist trend for decades.

The mistrust of the medical profession by African Americans has been a major contributor to the lack of participation in clinical trials and the minimal encouragement for them to participate.

Many decisions and recommendations regarding screening for breast and prostate cancer as it relates to African Americans and the underserved often lack sound, research information.

Your opinion matters.


Thaddeus J. Bell, MD
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Thaddeus J. Bell, MD


I am Dr. Thaddeus John Bell, closing the gap in health disparities for African Americans and the underserved.