End of life

A seminar with Dr. Thaddeus John Bell

It is well documented that physicians and pastors could be better trained to talk to patients about end of life care.  Physicians receive minimal training regarding communicating unsettling information to patients and I am told that pastors are often challenged when dealing with dying patients.

The major barriers that exist for physicians and pastors are lack of cultural sensitivity, trust, understanding the religious needs of the patients, and training.  My personal experiences, with the loss of two, adult children, have left me with different perspectives and prompted an interest in this topic. My experiences with my patients and assisting other physicians regarding methods to relay distressful information, has increased my curiosity regarding this subject.

Thank you to the pastors of the African Methodist Episcopal Church for their willingness to contribute to this difficult discussion. 

richard_harkness@att.net      Rev. Richard Harkness

rkennedy1706@yahoo.com    Rev. Dr. Robert Kennedy

Pastor@ebenezeramechurch.net   Rev. Dr. William Swinton

Rgoodwater@yahoo.com    Rev. Rose Goodwater-Richardson

pastor@emanuelamechurch.org    Rev. Eric Manning

jonathan.baker7ame@comcast.net     Rev. Jonathan J. Baker

We are very appreciative to our grantor for the funds to make this discussion materialize.

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Closing the Gap in Health Care, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides health and health literacy information through various outlets such as radio tips, television segments, barber shop/beauty shop talks, speaking at church functions, and participation in other educational seminars that promote health throughout Carolinas and has been accessed via media throughout the nation.