Testicular Cancer

Testicular Cancer

Testicular Cancer Men do not often discuss this type of cancer which commonly occurs between the ages of 15 and 45.  It usually appears in the testicles as a painless lump or mass and requires immediate medical attention and evaluation.  Please do not wait until the...
Too Many Medications

Too Many Medications

Too Many Medications The manner in which medicine is practiced today can result in a patient taking too many medications.  This problem is often seen in patients who are sixty years or older, have chronic medical conditions, and have been seen by multiple physicians...
Hypertension 2018

Hypertension 2018

Hypertension 2018 Hypertension continues to be the primary health condition commonly seen by most primary physicians.  It is estimated that more than 40 million people have hypertension and a significant percentage of them are unaware of the condition.  Recently, the...